Michael B. Jordan said sea moss drinks were his 'obsession,' so I tried it
For people with high blood pressure, Moss beverages may be a good option
I wish I could say I tried Moss products because I was invested in my gut health, its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, its high fiber, its ability to reduce the risk of diabetes, or even because of the amino acids needed for muscle building and collagen production.
ORDER: Moss Variety Pack ~ Pomegranate, Mango Ginger, Pure
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Considering I’m on a mission to get off high blood pressure medication and never had high blood pressure until the summer of 2022 (the start of this parking lot lawsuit), trying sea moss beverages could’ve been helpful then (and now).
But my reason for testing sea moss beverages was far more superficial. Why’d I leap to my computer to find out how I could get ahold of the brand? Because Michael B. Jordan said it was his “obsession” during an “On Purpose” interview with health and wellness podcaster Jay Shetty. (Skip to the 37:13 mark.)
”Anybody that’s had sea moss in the past might not have had a good experience ‘cause they either probably tried to clean it and process it themselves,” said Jordan during the podcast. “[My drink] don’t taste like the ocean.”
“It’s a great mixture, you know,” he continued. “We call them ‘mosstails.’ If you want to do mocktails, mosstails, or if you want to mix them with drinks, with spirits … this is five years of obsession.”
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While filming a movie in Berlin, the actor said he’d “chug” sea moss to get through his shoot days. It was such a “labor of love” for him that he even delivered care packages of sea moss beverages and homemade pasta to family members when he returned home. Years later, his partnership with Dr Smood resulted in these three sea moss drinks.
As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a percentage from purchases with my referral links. I know some consumers are choosing to boycott Amazon for its DEI removal. However, after thinking about this thoroughly, I want to continue promoting cool products from small businesses, women-owned businesses and (specifically) Black-owned businesses who still feature their items on Amazon. As of the first date of Black History Month 2025, each new post will ALWAYS include a MINIMUM of one product sold by a Black-owned business. (I have visited the seller’s official site to verify that Amazon Black-owned logo.) I am (slowly) doing this with older, popular posts too. If you still choose to boycott, I 100% respect that decision.
First time trying (and hearing of) sea moss beverages
What did I think of the taste of his “labor of love”? My first thought was, “I’m impressed.”
I’m not a big fan of sweet drinks; I prefer sour drinks. Even my go-to liquor is a whiskey sour. I drink a couple of jugs of water daily and always add a squirt of lemon juice. And I couldn’t care less about cake or cookies; I’d rather eat sour gummies.
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Outside of my sour preference, I’d rather drink coffee with nondairy creamer and no sugar whatsoever. I prefer plain green tea and ignore sweet versions of any kind of sweet or hot tea.
So I tried the Pure version of Moss first, primarily because I was laser-focused on the lime juice concentrate. I had zero idea what Reverse Osmosis Water, Erythritol or sea moss tasted like. And I hesitated over “organic monk fruit,” “fermented pears and apples,” mainly because I can’t stand pears. (I eat an apple almost daily though.) I was worried that this drink would be sweet. I took one sip and immediately pictured the West Maui Mountains and falling into the Oahu ocean.
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I get why Banner Health describes sea moss drinks this way: “If you are not a seafood or sushi fan, it may be difficult to get over sea moss’s fishy flavor and slimy texture.”
There is definitely a distinct flavor in it that reminds me of being in the water. However, solely judging from Moss and having no knowledge of other sea moss drinks, the Pure version is not fishy. It tastes lighter than juice or lemonade but heavier than water or tea. I can’t quite put my finger on how to describe the weight of it, but the taste of it is indeed what Jay Petty described: “refreshing, smooth, easy.”
What I like most about it though is it’s filling. Before testing this sea moss beverage, I’d been devouring black beans, homemade cashew cheese, homemade chopped walnut “meat” in hot sauce, and tortilla chips. I was getting ready to make another plate of my vegan nachos but decided to drink Pure Moss first. And then I didn’t want a second plate.
Moss has dessert vibes — in a glass bottle.
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Over the next two days, I held off from guzzling the other two flavors: Pomegranate and Mango Ginger. I can and have eaten a bowl of pickled ginger sushi but am not a big fan of mangos, and I can take or leave pomegranates. But if I liked Pure Moss without liking pears, I was going to give these other two flavors a chance. (I really wanted to drink my second bottle of Pure Moss the same day, but moderation is key — and my new “dessert” should be enjoyed in small doses.)
As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a percentage for each sale made with my referral links on this page.

Pomegranate and pillows
If you’re a fan of red wine or even nonalcoholic sparkling wine, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll enjoy the Pomegranate Moss drink. In addition to the Reverse Osmosis Water and Monk Fruit also found in the Pure Moss version, this second flavor includes Pomegranate Juice Concentrate, Wild Sea Moss, Erythritol, Black Currant Essence, Hibiscus Extract, and Orange Extract.
The distinct ocean-like memory doesn’t resurface with this beverage. It just reminds me of hanging out with my grandfather in his backyard, drinking overly expensive Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon with crackers and cheese (before my vegan days). Pomegranate Moss drink is (probably) the best introduction for someone who doesn’t like the ocean-like taste of Pure.
If you’re not a fan of red wine, Pomegranate Moss probably won’t be your thing. I, however, love Merlot so I like this one more than the Pure version. There are a couple of cons though. Pure is 50 calories with 13 carbohydrates and nothing else — no fat, no sodium, no sugar, no protein. Pomegranate, on the other hand, is 100 calories and has 24 carbohydrates and 17 grams of sodium.
And just like red wine, I was immediately sleepy about 30 minutes after drinking it. I drank this in the middle of taking a webinar and had to stop to take a short nap. Red wine is an excellent sedative for people like me. If this is the case for you too, definitely wait until you’re comfortable at home with nothing else to do before you drink this.
Find more information on the brand Moss on Instagram, Pinterest and its official site.
Mango Ginger: To each its own
Finally, there was Mango Ginger. As much as I love eating pickled ginger whenever I order Sweet Potato Maki Rolls, Avocado Rolls, Spring Rolls or vegan options at my third favorite Chicago spot (Blue Sushi Saki Grill), this flavor wasn’t a big hit for me. Mango lovers may disagree. On an up note, it is healthier than the Pomegranate version, with only 65 calories, 2 grams of sugar and 17 grams of carbohydrates.
Sea Moss winner
As someone who had never tried sea moss drinks, the Moss brand was a solid introduction to the health and taste perks of all three. And if I have no plans for the day, I’m snatching up a Pomegranate Sea Moss beverage without question. If I have a to-do list to complete, Pure Sea Moss it is. Would I try this again? Absolutely!
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