Nothing says inexperienced like hiring people without knowing what they do
WFFH: Startup companies, start your research first
Writer’s note: This post was originally published on Medium’s “We Need to Talk” on June 28, 2020. (“Work Fluently From Home,” or WFFH, is a series within “Window Shopping” geared toward entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, gig workers and startups.)
When I asked the hiring manager what his editing style was, I was not expecting this response, “It will be a [sic] article accompanied by a picture that complements the read.” I leaned my head back like Tupac and already knew I was opting out of this job, regardless of its intended demographic revolving around readers who fit my own demographic. I wasn’t even surprised when he told me his website wouldn’t be ready for four months. Of course it won’t.
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It was the third time this week that I’d heard from a startup blog company and/or publication. A few days before that, I asked about word count and story angles from a hiring manager who wanted me to write about politics although he “wasn’t into all that.” I couldn’t help but ask, “If you don’t get into politics, how are you going to edit my content?” His response, “My manager will do it.” My reply, “Oh, so your managing editor will. OK, that makes sense.” And his response, “No, my manager will. She’s my editor, my PR person, my social media person, handles my tours, hires the writers and handles the contracts for my basketball career.” At this point, I wondered why she didn’t babysit his kids (if he has any) and remodel his house, too. Don’t be lazy, lady!
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Why you need to do the research before hiring the contractors
In the past year, I’ve found myself being hired as a consultant more than my own editing and writing help. Startup companies have optimistic ideas for what they want to accomplish, but entirely too many don’t bother to do the research regarding how to make their own companies work, which employees (or contractors) they need from the beginning, the startup costs needed to get the business moving and what the competitors are doing.
Recommended Read: “Easiest way to fail at being an entrepreneur: Brag instead of research ~ Do you want to own a business more than you want to learn about the business?”