Hey retail (and WFFH) enthusiast! Welcome to “Window Shopping.”

If you were a supporter of Shamontiel’s prior retail magazine content (from 2019-2020), you’ll enjoy this publication. If you kept on reading her content from 2020 to 2021 on Medium’s “Window Shopping” publication, you’ll enjoy it even more. If you’re new here, Shamontiel’s focus is on retail news, consumer news, technology in retail, and eco-friendly ways to keep goods out of landfills (i.e. giveaways, recycling, repurposing). As of November 2022, this publication has been relaunched and will have a monthly exclusive post all year round.

Readers will also occasionally see a new section called “Work Fluently From Home (WFFH),” which is business news for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers and gig workers.

Why Substack?

I’ve written numerous online and print series since 2006. Some were with mainstream newspapers. Others were pretty well-known and lesser-known online news and lifestyle publications. Business decisions on my end were made, and I’m rebuilding. When I made the decision to start transitioning to Substack mid-2022, I knew I was losing a few thousand followers. Some have found me again on here, and I appreciate it. Whether I’m brand new to you or we’re reuniting again, let’s chat!

Amazon Affiliate

As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a percentage from purchases with my referral links. I know some consumers are choosing to boycott Amazon for its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) removal, and I don’t blame you one bit. I have zero love for Target, but that happened long before the worst possible choice for president returned to the White House. However, after thinking about this thoroughly, I have chosen to continue on while trying my absolute best to promote small businesses, women-owned businesses and black-owned businesses who still feature their items on Amazon.

You’ll still see links on my post from ads I already agreed to showcase pre-presidential results that are not from any of these three groups. All of my posts after MLK Day 2025 will feature a minimum of one product from a black-owned business though, and I’ve circled back to add onto older posts if I see them getting attention again. If you click the featured ad(s), look for this image (above). But if you are boycotting anti-DEI companies regardless, I respect that all the same.


Check out monthly posts, and read and comment on the whole “Window Shopping” archive.


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Subscribe to Window Shopping

Shopaholics and e-commerce sellers can get retail updates everywhere they look. But this series takes a deep dive into some of those retail news stories, along with the latest info in the gig economy and Working from Home post-pandemic.


Official site: ShamontielVaughn.com ~ Shamontiel has 20 years of journalism and editing experience. On Substack, she writes about her love for dogs, life as a homeowner, politics, two decades as a vegetarian and Black culture.